快速防御™擦拭- 6个案例

Disinfectant Wipes (On EPA List N For use against the virus that causes COVID-19)
项目# 127150 - 6

快速防御™擦拭- 6个案例

Disinfectant Wipes (On EPA List N For use against the virus that causes COVID-19)
项目# 127150 - 6
  • Disinfects a wide range of germs and bacteria in just 2 minutes
  • Quaternary, non-bleach formula safely and effectively cleans a variety of surfaces
  • Added Linen Fresh fragrance provides powerful deodorization


仅仅两分钟, Quick Defense™ Disinfectant Wipes rapidly kill a wide range of disease causing organisms including the following pathogens:
Enterococcus faecalis – Vancomycin Resistant [VRE]
大肠杆菌[E]. 杆菌)
金黄色葡萄球菌 - Methicillin-Resistant [MRSA]
(See label for full list of kill claims and instructions)

Quick Defense’s quaternary formula is effective as a light-duty cleaner. Its durable cloth wipe can be used to clean and remove light soils on washable, 坚硬的表面,包括台面, 汇, 电器, 电话, 桌子, 家具, 垃圾桶, 浴缸, 洗浴间, 小便池, 抽水马桶, 门把手, 栏杆等.

Quick Defense Disinfectant Wipes feature a pleasant Linen Fresh fragrance that provides effective deodorization in addition to its cleaning and disinfecting benefits. Unlike 0ther bleach or phenol-based wipes, there are no obnoxious odors or fumes making them more preferred in areas with sensitive building occupants.

医院, 医疗和牙科诊所, 养老院, 日托中心, 托儿所, 餐馆和酒吧, 自助餐厅, 公共厕所, 学校, 体育设施, 运输终端, 酒店及汽车旅馆, 工厂, 商业及办公楼宇, 船只, 汽车, 公共汽车, 救护车, 公寓和公寓等等.

Washable 坚硬的表面,包括台面, 炉子上, 汇, 电器, 表, 户外家具, 椅子, 桌子, 电话, 床架, 墙, 橱柜, 门把手, 婴儿玩具, 厕所, 垃圾桶, 不锈钢, 完成木制品, 福米卡, 乙烯基, 塑料家具, 浴缸, 洗浴间, 汇, 马桶等.


It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not use as a diaper wipe or for personal cleansing. 这不是婴儿湿巾! 厕所不冲水. For plastic and painted surfaces, spot test on an inconspicuous area before use. This product will not harm most surfaces: including acrylic, sealed fiberglass and 乙烯基. 注意:不要在未涂漆的木材上使用.

TO CLEAN AND DISINFECT / VIRUCIDAL* DIRECTIONS: Wipe hard, nonporous surface with wipe until surface is visibly wet. Allow surface to remain wet for 2 minutes. For Feline Calicivirus and Norovirus, treated surfaces must remain wet for 10 minutes. 让空气风干. If surfaces are extremely dirty, clean first with another wipe before disinfecting. 把用过的抹布扔进垃圾桶. 不要冲水. Rinse food contact surfaces with clean, potable water after disinfecting. Do not use to disinfect dishes, glassware or 餐具. Fungi: For Candida albicans control, follow disinfection directions. This product is not for use on medical device surfaces.

*KILLS HIV AND HBV AND HCV ON PRE-CLEANED ENVIRONMENTAL SURFACES / OBJECTS PREVIOUSLY SOILED WITH BLOOD / BODY FLUIDS in health care settings or other settings in which there is an expected likelihood of soiling of inanimate surfaces / objects with blood or 体液, and in which the surfaces / objects likely to be soiled with blood or 体液 can be associated with the potential for transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) (associated with AIDS) or Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) or Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). Special Instructions for Cleaning and Decontamination against HIV-1 or HBV or HCV on Surfaces / Objects Soiled With Blood / Body Fluids. Personal protection: Clean-up must always be done wearing protective gloves, 礼服, 口罩和眼罩. Cleaning procedure: Blood and other 体液 containing HIV or HBV or HCV must be thoroughly cleaned from surfaces and objects before application this product. This product can be used for this purpose. Contact time: Leave surface wet for 2 minutes. Disposal of infectious material: Blood, 体液, cleaning materials and clothing must be disposed of according to local regulations for infectious waste disposal.

TO CLEAN AND DEODORIZE: Wipe surface with wipe. 让空气风干. 把用过的抹布扔进垃圾桶. To Clean and Disinfect in a Veterinary Application: Use to clean and disinfect hard, nonporous surfaces such as 喂养 and watering equipment, 笼子里, 餐具, 仪器, 狗窝, 马厩, 养猫的处所, 等. Remove all animals and feed from premises, animal transportation vehicles, crates, 等. 清除所有垃圾, 粪便, 还有墙上的粪便, 地板, and surfaces of facilities occupied or traversed by animals. Empty all 喂养 and watering equipment. Pre-clean all surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with water. Wipe surface with wipe until surface is visibly wet. Use enough wipes to keep surface wet for 2 minutes. Allow surface to remain wet for 2 minutes. Do not house animals or employ equipment until treated surfaces have been thoroughly rinsed with water and allowed to dry. 彻底擦洗所有治疗部位, 喂养, and watering 电器 with soap or detergent and rinse with potable water before re-use.

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